Fact Sheet

Flag of Senegal


Official Title:
Republic of Senegal

General Information

Please note that all statistics reflect Canadian dollars, with some figures reflecting the yearly averages for the year. If listed as ’0’ or absent, the statistic is unavailable.
Bilateral Product trade
Canada - Senegal
Year Exports Imports
2015 $34,178,767 $8,389,829
2016 $39,591,198 $6,238,261
2017 $49,109,964 $3,288,850
2018 $57,132,576 $3,654,521
2019 $77,014,626 $5,222,448
Product trade (2019)
21 HS Sections
Canada - Senegal
Section Exports Imports
01 Animal & Prod. $173,027 $1,259,279
02 Veg. Prod. $11,251,716 $72,675
03 Fats, Oils & Waxes Prod. $108 $37,035
04 Food Prod. $111,927 $368,335
05 Mineral Prod. $57,682 $107,796
06 Chemical Prod. $1,656,493 $24,034
07 Plastics, Rubber Prod. $368,812 $26,913
08 Leather, Fur Prod. $684 $221
09 Wood Prod. $24,903 $35,439
10 Paper Prod. $1,271,918 $460
11 Textiles Prod. $1,321,731 $13,351
12 Dress Access. $22,831 $1,239,273
13 Glass & Stone Prod. $209,504 $699
14 Precious Metals/stones $ $14,944
15 Base Metal Prod. $217,536 $8,236
16 Mach. Mech. Elec. Prod. $4,296,815 $216,536
17 Vehicles and Equip. $54,159,079 $119,524
18 Specialized Inst. $420,659 $1,669,749
19 Arms & Ammunition $ $
20 Misc. Articles $93,083 $7,809
21 Antiques $ $71

Capital: Dakar
Population (million): 16.30
Total Area: 196,720km2
Currency: 1 CAN$ = 447.85 Franc CFA (XOF) (2018 - Annual average)
National Holiday: 4 April, Independence Day
Language(s): French, Wolof, Pulaar, Djola, Mandinka, Serer

Political Information

Type of State:

Type of Government:
Unicameral parliament (165 members).

Head of State:
President Macky SALL

Head of Government:

Foreign Affairs and Senegalese Abroad: Amadou Bâ
Finance and budget: Abdoulaye Daouda Diallo
Economy, Planning and Cooperation: Amadou Hott
Commerce and small and medium enterprises: Aminata Assome Diatta

Main Political Parties:
Alliance pour la République (APR), Parti Démocratique Sénégalais (PDS), Parti Socialiste du Sénégal (PS), Alliance des Forces de Progrès (AFP), Front pour le socialisme et la démocratie (FSD), Union pour la République (UPR).

Last: February 2019 (presidential), July 2017 (legislative).

Economic Information (2018)

Comparative figures
Type Senegal Canada
GDP: ($ billion) 31.20 2,222.58
GDP per capita: ($) 1,914.08 60,078.85
GDP growth rate: (%) 6.16 1.83
Inflation: (%) 0.46 2.24
Unemployment: (%) 0 5.82

Product Trade and investment (2019)

Canadian exports to country: $77,014,626
Canadian imports from country: $5,222,448
FDI in Canada (2018): $ million
CDI in country (2018): $982 million


Foreign Representation in Canada:
Ambassador Viviane BAMPASSY

Canadian Representation Abroad:
Ambassador Sébastien BEAULIEU

February 2020
Sources include: Statistics Canada, IMF

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