Fact Sheet


Official Title:
Republic of Kosovo

General Information

Please note that all statistics reflect Canadian dollars, with some figures reflecting the yearly averages for the year. If listed as ’0’ or absent, the statistic is unavailable.
Bilateral Product trade
Canada - Kosovo
Year Exports Imports
2015 $ $
2016 $ $
2017 $ $
2018 $ $
2019 $ $
Product trade (2019)
21 HS Sections
Canada - Kosovo
Section Exports Imports
01 Animal & Prod. $ $
02 Veg. Prod. $ $
03 Fats, Oils & Waxes Prod. $ $
04 Food Prod. $ $
05 Mineral Prod. $ $
06 Chemical Prod. $ $
07 Plastics, Rubber Prod. $ $
08 Leather, Fur Prod. $ $
09 Wood Prod. $ $
10 Paper Prod. $ $
11 Textiles Prod. $ $
12 Dress Access. $ $
13 Glass & Stone Prod. $ $
14 Precious Metals/stones $ $
15 Base Metal Prod. $ $
16 Mach. Mech. Elec. Prod. $ $
17 Vehicles and Equip. $ $
18 Specialized Inst. $ $
19 Arms & Ammunition $ $
20 Misc. Articles $ $
21 Antiques $ $

Capital: Pristina
Population (million): 1.81
Total Area: 10,908km2
Currency: 1 CAN$ = 0.68 EURO (EUR) (2018 - Annual average)
National Holiday: Independence Day, 17 February
Language(s): Albanian (official), Serbian (official), Bosnian, Turkish, Roma

Political Information

Type of State:

Type of Government:
Parliamentary Democracy: Unicameral parliament (120 seats) called the Assembly of Kosovo. 100 seats are directly elected, while 10 seats are reserved for ethnic-Serbs and 10 seats reserved for other ethnic minorities, with members serving 4-year terms. The Prime Minister is elected by the Assembly. Ministers are nominated by the Prime Minister and elected by the Assembly. The executive power is exercised by the government whereas the legislative power lies upon both the government and the Assembly of Kosovo. The president of Kosovo is elected by the Assembly whereas the judicial power is independent of the legislature and the executive powers.

Head of State:
President Hashim Thaci

Head of Government:
Prime Minister Albin Kurti

Foreign Affairs: Glauk Konjufca
Trade and Strategic Investment: Rozeta Hajdari
Finances: Besnik Bislimi

Main Political Parties:
Self-Determination (Vetëvendosje): 29 seats; Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK): 28 seats; Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK): 24 seats; Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK): 13 seats; Serbian Srpska List: 10 seats; others: 16

President: 5-year term; next: 2021 Members of Parliament: 4-year terms; next: 2023

Economic Information (2018)

Comparative figures
Type Kosovo Canada
GDP: ($ billion) 10.36 2,222.58
GDP per capita: ($) 5,717.61 60,078.85
GDP growth rate: (%) 4 1.83
Inflation: (%) 1.06 2.24
Unemployment: (%) 0 5.82

Product Trade and investment (2019)

Canadian exports to country: $
Canadian imports from country: $
FDI in Canada (2018): $ million
CDI in country (2018): $ million


Foreign Representation in Canada:
Ambassador-designate Adriatik Kryeziu

Canadian Representation Abroad:
Ambassador-designate Alan Bowman

February 2020
Sources include: Statistics Canada, IMF

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