Fact Sheet

Flag of Bahamas


Official Title:
Commonwealth of the Bahamas

General Information

Please note that all statistics reflect Canadian dollars, with some figures reflecting the yearly averages for the year. If listed as ’0’ or absent, the statistic is unavailable.
Bilateral Product trade
Canada - Bahamas
Year Exports Imports
2015 $73,507,980 $35,787,881
2016 $121,510,976 $13,634,818
2017 $219,340,996 $12,897,171
2018 $399,813,171 $4,833,583
2019 $262,255,659 $19,298,208
Product trade (2019)
21 HS Sections
Canada - Bahamas
Section Exports Imports
01 Animal & Prod. $3,610,204 $1,591,201
02 Veg. Prod. $2,054,398 $31,116
03 Fats, Oils & Waxes Prod. $115,467 $
04 Food Prod. $10,126,458 $1,088
05 Mineral Prod. $219,239,363 $7,913,931
06 Chemical Prod. $2,855,026 $7,750,390
07 Plastics, Rubber Prod. $1,259,725 $537
08 Leather, Fur Prod. $9,468 $1,930
09 Wood Prod. $940,565 $
10 Paper Prod. $2,090,003 $9,145
11 Textiles Prod. $120,961 $13,045
12 Dress Access. $21,452 $330
13 Glass & Stone Prod. $416,619 $327
14 Precious Metals/stones $399,950 $
15 Base Metal Prod. $1,539,135 $4,968
16 Mach. Mech. Elec. Prod. $5,532,411 $568,827
17 Vehicles and Equip. $4,303,829 $1,410
18 Specialized Inst. $687,596 $13,785
19 Arms & Ammunition $120 $
20 Misc. Articles $4,648,362 $39
21 Antiques $115,068 $1,383,583

Capital: Nassau
Population (million): .38
Total Area: 13,940km2
Currency: 1 CAN$ = 0.77 Bahamian dollar (BSD) (2018 - Annual average)
National Holiday: July 10 (1973, Independence Day)
Language(s): English

Political Information

Type of State:
Constitutional Monarchy

Type of Government:
Bicameral Parliament consists of the Senate (16 seats; members appointed by the governor general upon the advice of the prime minister and the opposition leader to serve five-year terms) and the House of Assembly (38 seats; members elected by direct popular vote to serve five-year terms).

Head of State:
Governor General (Queen Elizabeth II) Dame Marguerite Pindling

Head of Government:
Prime Minister Hubert Minnis

Foreign Affairs and Immigration: Darren Henfield

Main Political Parties:
Free National Movement (FNM)(35 of 39 seats) and Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) in opposition (4 of 39 seats).

Last: 2013. Next by 2017.

Economic Information (2018)

Comparative figures
Type Bahamas Canada
GDP: ($ billion) 16.63 2,222.58
GDP per capita: ($) 44,159.24 60,078.85
GDP growth rate: (%) 2.3 1.83
Inflation: (%) 2.25 2.24
Unemployment: (%) 9.2 5.82

Product Trade and investment (2019)

Canadian exports to country: $262,255,659
Canadian imports from country: $19,298,208
FDI in Canada (2018): $(39) million
CDI in country (2018): $27,096 million


Foreign Representation in Canada:
High Commissioner Alvin Smith

Canadian Representation Abroad:
High Commissioner Sylvain Fabi

February 2020
Sources include: Statistics Canada, IMF

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